Make a Wiki page


How do I create a new wiki page? Can I create a table of contents for my wiki?


A wiki is a collection of collaboratively authored web documents. Basically, a wiki page is a web page everyone in your class can create together, right in the browser, without needing to know HTML. A wiki starts with one front page. Each author can add other pages to the wiki by simply creating a link to a page that doesn't exist yet. To create a new page, either type the page name between double square brackets [[page name]] OR you can select New from the Wiki menu in the Navigation block. Continue reading to learn how to make a new wiki page.



How do I turn on Quickmail? Where is the Quickmail block? How do I send a message to my students with the Quickmail?


The Quickmail block adds a link to a tool that has a check box list of all students in the course, and a mail composition text area. You can check the students you like, and email those and only those. This enhances the existing communications systems of messaging (one user) and subscribed forums (all subscribers) by allowing teachers to select a specific subset of students. Continue reading to learn how to install the Quickmail block and send your students a message.

News Forum


What does the News Forum do? How can I send a message to my students?


The News forum is a special forum for general announcements. This forum is automatically created for each course and for the front page of the Moodle site. By default, it is placed in the top of the center section and only teachers and administrators may add posts or reply to posts. The default settings force every enrolled person to be subscribed to the News forum. As with any forum, emails can be sent to subscribed members of a News forum. Continue reading to learn how to send a message with the News Forum.