Activity completion tracking


What is activity completion tracking? How do I turn it on?


Activity completion allows the teacher to set completion criteria in a specific activity's settings. A check (tick) appears against the activity when the student meets these criteria. A criterion might be viewing, receiving a certain score or a student marking it as complete. Follow the steps below to set up Activity completion tracking.

1. Go to the Settings block of the course and click on Edit settings.

2. Scroll down to Student progress and select Enabled, control via completion and activity settings from the drop down.

3. Check Completion tracking begins on enrollment to allow completion tracking to start when a student enrolls. *This is optional.

4. Scroll down and click Save changes to return to the course. Now that completin tracking has been set up, it can be applied to Resources and Activities.

5. Choose a Resource or Activity to be added to the course.

6. Complete the settings for that particular Resource or Activity and scroll down to the Activity completion settings area.

7. Use drop down menu to select how which completion tracking setting to use for this module.

Require view - When this option is turned on, students have to view the activity in order to complete it.
Require grade - If enabled, the activity is considered complete when a student receives a grade. Pass and fail icons may be displayed if a pass grade for the activity has been set.
Expect completed on - This setting specifies the date when the activity is expected to be completed. The date is not shown to students and is only displayed in the activity completion report.

8. Scroll down and save settings

Moodle doc -

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