How do I setup categories in my gradebook?A.
It is possible to set up the gradebook to show categories that are used to delineate types of assignments. We can use categories to keep our assignments and quizzes organized similar to our syllabus. Read more to learn how to create categories in the gradebook.1. Locate the Settings block and click Grades.
2. Under the drop down menu, choose Full View or Simple View under Categories and Items.
3. At the bottom of this page click the Add category button.
4. Enter a Category name and select Aggregation settings.
*Common TLEARN Aggregation selection is Simple weighted mean of grades, Weighted mean of grades, and Sum of grades
Aggregation determines how grades in a category are combined, such as:
- Means of grades: The sum of all grades divided by the total number of grades
- Median of grades: The middle grade when grades are arranged in order of size
- Lowest grade: The lowest score given
- Highest grade: The highest score given
- Mode of grades: The grade that occurs most frequently
- Sum of grades: The sum of all grade values divided by the possible points allowed, with scale grades being ignored
- More information click here
Aggregation only non-empty grades determines whether empty grades are not included in the aggregation or are counted as minimal grades, for example, for an assignment graded between 0 and 100.
Aggregate including subcategories determines whether grades in subcategories are included in the aggregation.
Drop the lowest enables a specified number of the lowest grades to be excluded from the aggregation.
5. Configure the Category total settings.
Grade type -there are 4 grade types:
- None - No grading possible
- Value - A numerical value with a maximum and minimum
- Scale - An item in a list
- Text - Feedback only
Maximum/Minimum grade - determines the maximum and minimum grades when using the value grade type.
Hidden - if ticked, will hide grades in this category from students.
Locked - will no longer allow grades to be automatically updated by the related activity.
ADVANCED SETTINGS (These can be left as default)
Category total name - Text entered in this field replaces the wording Category total where the grade displayed for the category is shown.
Item info - Provides space for entering information about the item. The information is not displayed anywhere else.
ID number - provides a way of identifying the activity for grade calculation purposes.
Grade to pass - Determines the minimum grade required to pass.
Grade display type - Determines how grades are displayed in the grader and user reports.
- Real - Actual grades
- Percentage
- Letter - Letters or words are used to represent a range of grades
Hidden until - Date may be set if desired, to release grades after grading is completed.
Lock after - Will lock after the specified date.
6. Repeat steps above to create other categories.
7. Optional: Create sub categories. Add a sub-category by moving a new category into an existing one or by selecting the Parent category when creating the new sub category in the category setting page.
Click the Move icon.
Click a dotted box to move the category there.
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