Add grades manually


What and where is the Grader report? Can I enter grades manually?


The TLEARN Grader report is the more traditional look and feel of a grade book. It collects all grade items into a table which allows for grading (overridden grades) and the ability to give feedback. Activities are organized by categories and depending on how the course preferences have been configured action icons like: edit, show/hide, lock, and calculate tool may be available for use. Manually enter grades in the TLEARN Grader report by following the steps below.

1. From the Settings block, under Course administration, click Grades.

2. Click the Turn Editing On button in the upper right hand corner.

3.  Locate the activity to be graded and enter the numerical grade in the quick grading cell.

4. Click the Update button at the bottom to save changes and submit grades. Once a grade is submitted in the Grader report, it will be marked as Overridden. This means that the grade can only be changed from the Grader report, grades will not be editable from the Activity grader

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