Grade an assignment


How do I grade an Online text assignment? How do I manually grade an assignment? Can I change a grade in the grade book?


A new feature in Tlearn is the combining of the Online text, Upload a single file, and Advanced uploading of multiple files assignment activity. The new Assignment provides all these settings and more. The post will focus on grading Online text. Online text assignment is useful for writing to be done online and submitted for grading - think of it like a brief reflective assignment that is between the student and instructor. Create this type of assignment to have students submit text using the normal Tlearn editing tools. Grade online and even add inline comments or changes. The Inline comments feature allows for direct edits or comments on student work from within Tlearn. This can save you time from downloading documents, tracking changes, and uploading again. Follow the steps below to grade an Online assignment.

1. Navigate to the assignment within the course and click on the title.

2. Click on the View/grade all submissions.

3. Click on grey pencil icon under Grade or hover the grey action icon under Edit to enter a Grade for the first time. If a grade is already present hover over the icon under Edit and click Update grade to change the grade.

4. Review the student's submission, give a grade, and provide Feedback comments or a Feedback file.

5. Click Save changes.

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