This blog has been created to help support our transition to the NEW Tlearn. Use the Search box and Blog archive to find your question. If you need additional clarification please leave a comment in that specific post.
Export Gradebook to Excel
I want to download/export my grade book to an Excel file, how? Can I have my gradebook as an Excel file for archival purposes?
Moodle allows you to take data from your gradebook and export it to your own computer. Moodle exports grades in the following formats: Excel, Plain text file, XML file, or OpenDocument spreadsheet. The export will also include First name, Last name, ID number, and Email address. Read on to learn how to download the gradebook.
Setup Grade book | Sample 1
How do I setup my Grade book to look like my syllabus? What are categories or graded items?
The gradebook provides many options to maintain course grades and to provide each student a private view of their progress in your course. It is best to configure the grade book before you create assignments, especially if you plan to place assignments into categories. Continue reading to learn how to setup your grade book.Export/Import Quiz Questions
How do I share my quiz questions? Can I use someone else quiz questions? How do I import another Teachers quiz questions into my course?
The question bank is where all of your individual question from all the quizzes in your course are stored. The question bank can be accessed from the Settings block in the left hand column. From here, you can choose to view all questions, view the categories of questions, and to import or export questions. The first time you use the question bank, there will be one category, the Default category. Continue reading to learn how to export and import quiz questions from the question bank.Drag and drop
How do I drag and drop a file into my course? Why can't I drag and drop a file?A.
Turn Edit Mode ON thne click and drag a file into your course. Internet Explorer is the only browser that will not allow the drag and drop function. Continue reading to learn how to use the drag and drop feature.Notification: Do not have permission to add a new discussion
My students can't add a discussion topic, why? How do I let me students add discussion topics or reply to my discussion topic?A.
Your Forum settings need to be changed to No groups in the Group mode. Continue reading to learn how to change this setting.Delete Quiz Attempt
How do I delete or remove a students quiz attempt? Can I remove a students quiz attempt so they can take it again?A.
Students cannot retake a quiz after it has closed or after they have completed their maximum number of attempts. In some cases, you may want to allow certain students to retake a quiz. To do this, you'll need to delete the students' previous quiz attempts.The Teacher can delete a students quiz attempt from the Results link. Continue on to see how to delete an attempt.Quiz Results
How do I view the Quiz results? I want to see individual students responses, how? Can I see the statistical analysis of the quiz and questions within it? Where do I manually grade the essay question?
To access the results, you can go to the Navigation block, drill down to the relevant section, and then to the quiz in question, and then click on Results. You can then click on the 'arrow head' icon next to Results to choose whether you want to see Grades, Responses, Statistics or Manual grading.Make course available or not available
How do I make my course available or not available to students? My students can't see my course? How do I turn on my course for my students to see? Can I hide my course?
Compressed Zip Folder
How do I create a zip folder? Can I combine several files into a folder to put in Tlearn? How do I unzip a compressed folder? What is a compressed folder?
Folders that are compressed using the Compressed (zipped) Folders feature use less drive space and can be transferred to other computers more quickly. You can work with a compressed folder and the files or programs it contains just as you would an uncompressed folder. You can identified a compressed folder by the zipper on the folder icon. Zipped folders can compress files, programs, or other folders by dragging them to it.
The Moodle system will not allow us to drag and drop or add folders into our courses so we compress those folders to be inserted into our courses. Read on to learn how to create a zipped folder on a Mac and a PC.
How do I create a zip folder? Can I combine several files into a folder to put in Tlearn? How do I unzip a compressed folder? What is a compressed folder?
Folders that are compressed using the Compressed (zipped) Folders feature use less drive space and can be transferred to other computers more quickly. You can work with a compressed folder and the files or programs it contains just as you would an uncompressed folder. You can identified a compressed folder by the zipper on the folder icon. Zipped folders can compress files, programs, or other folders by dragging them to it.
The Moodle system will not allow us to drag and drop or add folders into our courses so we compress those folders to be inserted into our courses. Read on to learn how to create a zipped folder on a Mac and a PC.
Remove students from course
How do I unenroll/remove a student from my course?
Read on to learn how to remove a student from your course.
Copy files from old Tlearn to new Tlearn
How do I bring over my files from the old Tlearn to the new Tlearn? I want to keep my files in the My Private Files repository, how?
Because of the upgrade from Moodle 1.9 to Moodle 2.4 we are unable to backup and restore courses into the new Tlearn. Upon request we are manually transferring files from the old Tlearn to the new Tlearn. If you would like to copy your course files on your own follow these steps.
Create a Glossary
How do I create a Glossary? Where can I put a list of terms with definitions?A.
The Glossary activity allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary. Glossary can be used in many ways. The entries can be searched or browsed in different formats. A glossary can be collaborative or entries only made by the teacher. Entries can be put in categories. The auto linking feature, will highlight any word in the course which is located in the glossary. Auto linking can be turned off in the quiz Module. It is possible to import and export entries from one glossary to another. Site wide (global) glossaries can be created that work in all courses. an entry can be liked to more than one key phrase. Follow the steps below to create to create a Glossary.Database activity
What is a Database and how do I create one?A.
The Database Activity module allows teachers or participants to build, display and search a bank of record entries about any conceivable topic. The format and structure of these entries can be almost unlimited, including images, files, URLs, numbers and text amongst other things. This module will create one table per instance, but you may create as many instances you need. the records can be linked to other tables and all resources in the course, if you allow auto link in a name field. Follow the steps below to create to create a Database.Create Each person posts one discussion Forum
How do I create a forum where each person can post one discussion? I want students to start a discussion which forum should I use?A.
Each person can post exactly one new discussion topic (everyone can reply to them though). This is useful when you want each student to start a discussion about, say, their reflections on the week's topci, and everyone responds to these. Follow the steps below to create an Each person posts one discussion forum.Create Standard forum displayed like a blog
How do I create a forum? How can I make my forum look like a blog?A.
Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format. An open forum where anyone can start a new discussion at any time, and in which discussion topics are displayed on one page with Discuss the topic links. Read more to learn how to set this up.Create a Choice activity
How do I create a Choice activity? Can I create something like a survey?A.
A Choice activity is very simple - the teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses. It can be useful as a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic; to allow the class to vote on a direction for the course; or to gather research content.Hide or delete a Resource/Activity
How do I had an activity or resource? How do I delete an activity or resource?A.
Using the editing icons we can delete or hide a resource or activity. Read more to find out how.Edit a course topics or section name
How do I edit a course section? How do I edit section name and show a brief summary? Can I change the Topic 1 or week date?A.
Courses can be divided into sections (Topics) to organize Resources and Activities for students. Each section can have a name and summary by Activities and Resources. Teachers can edit the settings of sections to update the names, create summaries and Restrict access to all Activities and Resources listed inside each section.
Activity completion tracking
What is activity completion tracking? How do I turn it on?A.
Activity completion allows the teacher to set completion criteria in a specific activity's settings. A check (tick) appears against the activity when the student meets these criteria. A criterion might be viewing, receiving a certain score or a student marking it as complete. Follow the steps below to set up Activity completion tracking.Grade uploaded file assignment
How do I grade assignments that students uploaded?
The new feature of Tlearn combines the settings of Single and Advanced upload of files into the lone Assignment resource. To grade an assignment that a student uploaded follow the steps below.
Grade an assignment
How do I grade an Online text assignment? How do I manually grade an assignment? Can I change a grade in the grade book?A.
A new feature in Tlearn is the combining of the Online text, Upload a single file, and Advanced uploading of multiple files assignment activity. The new Assignment provides all these settings and more. The post will focus on grading Online text. Online text assignment is useful for writing to be done online and submitted for grading - think of it like a brief reflective assignment that is between the student and instructor. Create this type of assignment to have students submit text using the normal Tlearn editing tools. Grade online and even add inline comments or changes. The Inline comments feature allows for direct edits or comments on student work from within Tlearn. This can save you time from downloading documents, tracking changes, and uploading again. Follow the steps below to grade an Online assignment.View quiz grades
How do view attempted quizzes? Where do I go to view quiz grades?A.
Quiz allows teachers to create quizzes with a variety of question types, which are stored in a question bank and can be re-used within courses and between courses. The most commonly used questions types are the true/false and multiple choice. View Quiz grades by following the steps below.Send message to all participants
How do I send a message to all my students? Can I message everyone in the class and not individually?A.
An instructor can send messages to all participants at once via the Participants page. Follow the steps below to send a message to everyone in a course.Import course data
How can I import content from a previous course I taught? Can I use a file from a another course I'm enrolled in as Teacher?A.
Course activities and resources may be imported from courses in which teachers have permission to create content. Import course data by following the steps below. Files in courses taught in the old version of Tlearn can not be imported with this method. They will need to be downloaded or saved to your computer and then adding to the course.Backup a course
How do I backup my course? I want to archive my course for a later restore, how?A.
Courses or parts of courses can be backed up to restore into new courses, imported into existing courses, or kept as master copy for future use. Backup a course by following the steps below.
Edit a course
How do I add blocks? Where do I go to add activities or resources? What do the icons represent?A.
A TLEARN course can be customized to your preference. You can add and move blocks, activities, and resources. You also have the ability to dock your blocks to the left side of the page. Edit a course by following the steps below.
Configure Weighting in Grade book
How do you setup the grade book to resemble my syllabus? I want certain categories to be worth a certain percentage of the final course grade.
The Weighted mean of grades aggregation method calculates each item grade by multiplying its percentage by the weight you assign. All items are then added together and divided by the total amount of weight points in the category. The higher you weight an item, the more heavily it will count toward a student's grade. Set up weighting for assignments/categories by following the steps below.Add grades manually
What and where is the Grader report? Can I enter grades manually?A.
The TLEARN Grader report is the more traditional look and feel of a grade book. It collects all grade items into a table which allows for grading (overridden grades) and the ability to give feedback. Activities are organized by categories and depending on how the course preferences have been configured action icons like: edit, show/hide, lock, and calculate tool may be available for use. Manually enter grades in the TLEARN Grader report by following the steps below.
Setup Gradebook categories
How do I setup categories in my gradebook?A.
It is possible to set up the gradebook to show categories that are used to delineate types of assignments. We can use categories to keep our assignments and quizzes organized similar to our syllabus. Read more to learn how to create categories in the gradebook.My private files
My private files? How do I access My private files?A.
The new TLEARN allows each user to have access to My private files for uploading and managing a set of files. Files saved in the private files area can be organized in folders and users can upload the files into courses by using the file picker. Take the following steps to learn how to access private files.Change profile settings
How do change my profile so my students can see my other accounts? I want to share my Skype ID and Facebook account? Can I add a profile image of myself?A.
The profile displays basic information about a user along with profile picture, it also enables a user to view course Activities and see course grades. Site wide preferences are customized in the profile. Read more to see how to change your TLEARN profile.Recent Activity block
How can I quick see the most recent activity in my course? I would like to see what my students have and have not done.A.
The Recent activity block displays course events, such as forum posts and new resources and activity, that have occurred since the user last logged in. View Recent activity by following the steps below.Course overview
Where did my previous semester courses go? Can I make my previous semester courses unhidden? I'm enrolled into to many courses, how do I hide some courses? I only want to see the courses I'm teaching now, not the old ones?A.
The Course overview block is visible on a user's My home page and shows a list of all courses in which a user is enrolled/has an assigned role. By default this block appears in the central content block on the My home page. When new courses are loaded into Tlearn they will appear at the top of the list pushing the older courses down. Read more to learn how to condense your course view.Conditional Release
What is Conditional Release? Can I enforce conditions for the availability of an activity?A.
Conditional Release enables teachers to restrict the availability of any Activity according to certain conditions such as dates, grade obtained, or activity completion. ALL conditional restrictions have to be met in order for the activity to be made available.Course materials that can be conditionally released: Course activities and resources and Course topics/folders/weeks.
Continue reading to learn more.
Send messages
How do I send a message to a student? I don't want to send an announcement to the whole class but only a message to one student?A.
Messages can be sent between users on any TLEARN site, they are sent withing the TLEARN platform similar to a text if the user is online. When users are offline the message will also be sent in an email. Follow the steps below to send a message to another participant in your course by accessing their profile.Add discussion topic to forum
How do I add a new discussion topic to a Forum?A.
The forum is an asynchronous activity that allows for discussion between users. To add to a discussion by adding a topic follow the steps below.Reply to a forum
How do I reply to a Forum?A.
The Forum is an asynchronous Activity allowing discussion to happen between users. Reply to a Forum post by following the steps below.Upcoming events Block
What is the Upcoming events block? How can I use the Upcoming events block?A.
The Upcoming events Block displays future events in a summarized list. See below to learn more about it.Add Calendar Event
How do I add a Calendar event? Can I edit or delete a Calendar event?
The Calendar displays four types of events: Global, Course, Group, and User. Activities in a course that have a due date associated with them will auto populate a Course Calendar events on the specified due date. Students may add User events to their personal TLEARN calendars. A user event is a private event and only the user that created the event can see it. Follow the steps to learn more.
Calendar preferences
How do I set my Calendar preferences? Can I customize my calendar?A.
The Calendar displays four types of events: Global, Course, Group, and User. Activities in a course that have a due date associated with them will auto populate a Course Calendar event on the specified due date. Users can add events to their personal Calendar which will only be visible to them. Preferences for first day of the week, number of events to display, and remember filter settings are available to be customized by the individual user. Customize the Calendar by following the steps below.Activity reports
Where do I go to see my students activity reports? Can I see if a student is accessing my TLEARN course?A.
The Activity report will show the number of views for a particular activity or resource. View Activity reports by following the steps below.Add a Glossary entry
How do I add a new Glossary entry? What is a Glossary?A.
A Glossary allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, similar to a dictionary. In TLEARN, glossaries can be a collaborative activity, where instructors can allow students to add their won entries, rate others' entries and more. Adding a Glossary entry is very simple, follow the steps below.Create and Overwrite an Alias file
How do I overwrite a file? If I update a file will all the other locations/courses that use this file be updated? How can I create an alias? If I make change on a posted document will my students see my changes?A.
TLEARN allows the user to overwrite files if they already exist in the system. The alterations made in a file can be reflected in one singe place or in many areas. If an alias is created, then the original file is updated, it will change in all instances of the alias.Take the following steps to add your file to your My private files, post it in your course as an alias, and overwrite the file to update changes made in the original file.File picker
What is the File picker? How do I use the File picker?A.
The File picker is a modal window that provides users access to add files inside TLEARN. When the File picker screen appears, a number of links are listed down on the left side. These links are called Repositories and they are areas where TLEARN users can access and/or storage files.Add an image with HTML editor
How do I add an image? HTML editor? I got an image I need to post, what do I do next?A.
The HTML editor enables/displays complex text and image tasks. The HTML editor will appear in various Resources, activities, and forums. These steps will work anywhere an HTML editor appears to offer help.View Participants
How can I view all my students in my course?A.
All Participants or your class roster can be viewed by clicking on Participants in the Navigation block. There you have several options to display all, some, or a specific group of students. Continue on to learn how to view your participants.Create groups
How do I create groups and add group members?A.
The Groups feature allows a teacher to assign users to one or more groups. This can be for the course or at the activity level. Follow these quick steps to create Groups.Add a link to a website
How do I add a website link so my students can view it? Can I use this resource to add a YouTube video?A.
You can send the student to any place they can reach on their web browser, for example Wikipedia. Read more to learn how to add a URL.Download all teacher files
How do I download all my course files? I want to keep a copy of all my files I've uploaded to TLEARN on my computer, how?A.
This will be possible if you have been keeping all your files in your My private files. If you have been dragging and dropping files and not using the traditional upload process then they will be in the Servers files. We would then have to upload the Server files into our My private files for you to be able to download everything together. You will not be able to download all from Server files or any other file repository. Read more to learn how to download all teacher files from your My private files.Blocks and Docks
How do I hide, show, change, add, or dock a block?A.
Blocks can be docked in the new TLEARN. The dock location is theme dependent and allows blocks to be located in the left margin of the page. Note that block dock is user specific, just because a Teacher docks specific blocks does not mean the student in the course will have the same docs blocked. You can change the layout and appearance of your TLEARN page following the steps below to dock, hide, or rearrange your a block.
Add a folder with files
How do I post a folder with multiple files? I have several images I would like to share to the class, how?
The new resource Folder has replaced the Display a Directory resource from the old TLEARN. Read on to learn how to create a Folder with multiple files or images.
Adding a file
How do I add a document, PDF, or image so students can see them? How do I add a file for my students to download?A.
Any file you have on your computer can be added to your TLEARN course so students can access it. This allows you to post a syllabus, worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, study guides, movies, etc. Anything that you might have printed to give to them in the past can now be posted so they can download it.
Add Students and Teachers
How do I add or remove students? Or, How do I add another Teacher?
While registered students are automatically enrolled into your TLEARN course, you can manually enroll extra participants. Follow the steps to learn how to enroll Students and Teachers.
Recommended Browser
Which internet browser should I use?
Some Moodle features, such as drag and drop, use a technology called AJAX which falters on some older browsers. For optimal performance, upgrade your browser to the latest version. I have to agree with the makers of Moodle and recommend the Firefox browser. All browser will display the TLEARN site but its still important to have the latest version of your favorite browser, especially when you use the HTML editor.
If you don't have admin rights to your computer, contact ITS.
Hidden courses
Why is my course link gray? How do I make my course available to students? Or, Why can't my students see my course?A.
By default course will be unavailable to students and appear grayed out. This is to prevent students from entering a course before faculty are ready to use them. Another reason a course would have a gray link is if a instructors chose to hide their courses from view, for example while courses are under constructions prior to the beginning of the semester.
Welcome to the new TLEARN blog
Hello TLEARNers,
This blog will be used primarily to support the new TLEARN. All summer courses will be using the new version of our learning management system. We will post answers to frequently asked questions about constructing and managing a course in TLEARN. The commenting/reply feature will be turned on so we can further communicate if you still have questions. You can also find additional resources on,, and
Here is a sneak peak of the new TLEARN site.
This blog will be used primarily to support the new TLEARN. All summer courses will be using the new version of our learning management system. We will post answers to frequently asked questions about constructing and managing a course in TLEARN. The commenting/reply feature will be turned on so we can further communicate if you still have questions. You can also find additional resources on,, and
Here is a sneak peak of the new TLEARN site.
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